Learn about health, wellness, and related information for kids in Flint, Genesee County, and in parts of the county. You can compare many indicators with state, county, and other benchmarks.
How are kids in Flint doing? Where are we doing well? Where is there room for improvement? Explore the dashboard to find out. Please use this information to applaud our successes, understand our needs, plan for action, and advocate for change.
The Greater Flint Health Coalition (GFHC) was founded in 1996, as a central point for Flint and Genesee County efforts to improve health and healthcare. Working together, these groups and individuals have developed ways to share goals, measure needs and progress, coordinate activities together, and communicate.
- Public health
- Hospitals
- Education
- “Safety net” providers
- Physicians
- Business
- Community-based organizations
- Health insurers
- The media
- Policymakers
- And committed citizens

The Pediatric Public Health Initiative (PPHI) was created in 2016 by Michigan State University (MSU) and Hurley Medical Center, as a model public health program.
PPHI’s overall mission is to improve the outcomes of Flint children. Through community and clinical programs, childhood health policy and advocacy, and robust evaluation, the Pediatric Public Health Initiative works with many partners, including Flint’s heroic parents and kids, as a center of excellence, with the primary goal of mitigating the impact of the Flint Water Crisis and serving as a national resource for best practices. PPHI’s goal is to wrap our children in a nutrient-rich environment of development-promoting interventions.
The PPHI is supported and housed at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine at its downtown Flint location, across from the Hurley Children’s Clinic and the Flint Farmers’ Market.